"The Righteous are as Bold as Lions."

130 Lakeview Road.
Franklin, VA 23851
Office: 757-562-3878
Fax: 757-562-6304


Tuition  Monthly: August - May  2023-24
Grade Levels K-12
First Child       $450 x 10 = $4,500
Second Child   $400 x 10 = $4,000
Other Children      $350 x 10 = $3,500

Rock Church Members - Good Steward Program 2023-24
First Child       $325 x 10 = $3,250
Second Child   $275 x 10 = $2,750
Other Children      $225 x 10 = $2,250


Summary             Summary of RCS Student Expenses  2023-24
New Student             Registration, Curriculum, Test, & Tuition (1st child)   $5,000
Returning Student    Registration, Curriculum, Test, & Tuition (1st child)   $4,900
Good Steward              Registration, Curriculum, Test, & Tuition (1st child)   $3,650 
Fees for New Student        Amount and Due date
Application               $50- With Application
Diagnostic Testing     $50-Upon Acceptance

Registration   $100-Upon Acceptance
Achievement Tests   $50-Upon Acceptance
Curriculum Annual   $250-Upon Acceptance
Total   $500-Registration, Testing & Curriculum
Tuition payments are due on the first day of the month from August-May. They are late after the 10th. Prompt payment is both expected and appreciated. 

School Times

Monday - Thursday
8:30a.m. - 3p.m.

8:30a.m. - 1:30p.m.

Parents are responsible for dropping off and picking up their child(ren) or finding someone to do it in their place.
Fridays are casual days where the kids are allowed to wear jeans.

Check out all the great features.

Our Curriculum

R.C.S. utilizes the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum published by the School of Tomorrow in Lewisville, Texas. There are over 7,000 schools implementing this material. The vast majority of these schools are in the United States. The material is used in 131 countries as well.

A.C.E. is an individualized curriculum that is designed to shift the primary responsibility of learning from the teacher to the student. Students learn new concepts as they study in workbooks (P.A.C.E.S. - Packets of Accelerated Christian Education). The academic supervisor answers questions and reviews new concepts on a "one on one" individualized basis. Students study in personalized work areas referred to as offices. Each grade level is completed as a student finishes twelve paces in each of their academic subjects.

Our History

Rock Church School is an integral part of the ministry of Rock Church in Franklin. It is located at 130 Lakeview Road. Our church school is housed in a 15,000 square foot, renovated dairy barn complex. The school began in 1978. Our program ranges from kindergarten through senior high. In the spring of 2020, the Ben S Dillon Life Center was completed. This provides a gymnasium for facilitating R.C.S. athletic programs.

Rock Church School is developing a fine heritage. There are R.C.S. graduates who are wholeheartedly serving the Lord as responsible adults; enjoying degrees earned from major universities and enrolling their children, the next generation, in Rock Church School. The student body continues in the spirit of excellence and cooperativeness that comprises this educational experience.

Our Philosophy

Education is life. The Bible is the Book of Life and the foundation of all human relations and principles of teaching. It is the basis of all A.C.E. text materials, which are designed for programming the mind to enable the child to see life from God's point of view. A.C.E. presents a learning and social profile which is totally Christian. Humanism, progressivism, situation ethics, and the new morality are refuted and replaced by the absolute standards of right and wrong.

Development of a child's Christian character is not accidental. It is the result of deliberate, purposeful attention to more than the content of instruction.

President Teddy Roosevelt was once quoted as stating, "To educate a child in his mind and not in his heart is to train a menace to society." How true that statement is, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) Christ desires that children not only be trained in academics, but that parents and teachers focus children's hearts "Godward".

Rock Church School offers the opportunity for cooperative, respectful children to gain an excellent education in a disciplined, Christ-centered environment.  We love all children, but are not equipped to assist parents who wish to enroll their child with the hope that we will reform them. That is not a realistic expectation. 

Our Distinction

- Knowing Christ and making Him known.

- Serving families with 40+ years of Christ-centered educational       experience.

- Sponsoring student participation in the Accelerated Christian Education Convention with competition in areas including: academics, art, photography, music, vocals, athletics, needle and thread, persuasive speech and drama.

- Implementing the A Beka phonetic based learning to read
   program for Kindergarten.

- Reasonable, affordable tuition rates and curriculum charges.

- Establishing an associate Christian School with 430 students in Vinto, Bolivia. This school operates under the leadership of Pastors Marcus and Jennifer Morris who have served in Bolivia since 1982. They were formally leaders in the early years of Rock Church Franklin.

- Offering High School academic track with Vocational, General, College    Preparatory, or Honor Graduate diplomas.

Contact Us

Use this form to fill out school inquiries or have any questions. Thank you!

More info about the A.C.E. Curriculum

Accelerated Christian Education was founded in 1970 by Donald and Esther Howard in Garland, TX, USA. A.C.E. has taken a conventionally-styled textbook and divided it into bite-sized workbooks called PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) which are full of self-instructional activities designed to develop thinking skills and create mastery learning. In this video, the system of A.C.E. is fully explained.